Monday, September 2, 2013

God placed this verse on my mind just for you!  When we are lost in the woods with some friends, the first sight of a signpost is huge.  The one who sees it first cries, “Look!”  And the whole party stops and stares.  But when we get back on the road, and are passing signposts every few miles, we don’t stop and stare.

Ex. 34:10, “…I will do wonders never before done…..the people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you.”  “I will do wonders” means, I will show you Joy! 

C. S. Lewis calls these moments as being “Surprised by Joy!”  He says only a child consistently experiences these surprises, because it takes becoming a child to be surprised with such Joy that you cry and laugh all at the same time.  Remember any of those moments?  God is saying, “I’m getting ready to do something in Your Life you have never seen before!  To take you to a place where you would never go on your own!”

I remember a four year old boy, sitting in his high chair having forgot it was his birthday.  His mother and sister came around the corner with his favorite chocolate cake with four lit candles singing, Happy Birthday to You….  He started crying and laughing at the same time.  He was surprised by Joy.
God is going to show you Joy!  Freedom like you’ve never seen!  Confidence, boldness and creativity!  Healing and favor like you never seen!

Your mind will try to talk you out of it, but God is not limited by  how you think.  But remember, when you are weak, God is strong!  When your faith is low, He is faithful.  When you are sick, He has provided for your healing!

A Woman with an issue of blood pushed through the crowd, reached and touched the hem of Jesus’ robe and received His goodness, healing.  God wants to give you some first times.  People blessing you out of the blue.  A New home!  A raise!  When God shows you something you’ve never seen, you will be surprised by Joy!

Jesus said to Peter, “Throw your nets on the other side!”  “But we have been fishing all night!” Peter forgot that Jesus is in charge of all the fish.  God wants to show you something you’ve never seen.  A miracle!  A promotion!  Healing!  Get out of debt!

Jesus said, “Unless you have the faith of a child, can’t grasp these things…”  Many of us are lost in the woods!  Look for a signpost; direction, guidance and provision!  Remember to slow down and look, and when you see the signpost, you will be captured by God’s surprise.  At that moment stop and stare.  Take it in!  Be surprised by Joy!  Let the laughter and tears roll down your cheeks because you are loved that much!

Get ready, God has some more First Times.  He’s coming looking for you!  His favor will thrust you into abundance!