Sunday, August 9, 2015

Is there Purpose in Chaos?

My experience in giving my life fully to Jesus as Savior and Lord, and Ruler of my destiny has been quite an adventure.  Learning to follow the leading of the Spirit, as hard as that is to understand, has opened a world I had no idea existed, shattering my small world view.  

Following Jesus definitely leads to a life of caring for and serving people which often ends up in misunderstanding, jealousy and stressful chaos.  The surprising discovery is realizing it’s all a set up for the supernatural to operate in full swing destroying all logic and reason.

In reading Acts 3:1-16 this morning, the story of two disciples set out to be light and salt, having been trained by Jesus, are on their own because He is physically gone.  This leads to a whole new paradigm.

Here’s the chaos of this story.  First, the religious leaders who killed Jesus, are sewing up the veil, reestablishing the institution, preparing themselves to defeat and destroy this rag tag bunch of men and women ecstatic about this supernatural Good News.  Secondly Peter and John are on their way to the temple to promote this Good News.  Thirdly, there is a lame man, crippled from birth carried by his friends to the Gate called Beautiful.

The leaders of the Temple are ready to protect and defend a Dead Institutional Machine; Peter and John are coming to prove Jesus is alive and well; while the lame man is there because he possesses the best place in town to get hand outs.

Reality hits the fan in this situation through Peter’s words to the beggar, “I don’t have a nickel to my name!” 

Now a fourth party steps into the story.  Peter says, “In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, get up and walk!”  The man’s body snaps into wholeness, and he begins to dance all the way into the temple in the midst of overwhelming chaos.  It’s a set up!  These temple leaders have resisted Jesus a long time.  This lame man didn’t even ask to be healed.  He is accustomed to his situation and found a place to capitalize on his handicap.  Peter and John are on their way in faith, without Jesus’ physical presence for the first time wondering if their mantel as Jesus’ representatives really works.  It’s a Set Up!  God has orchestrated this whole chaotic moment in the midst of insecurity, desperation, manipulation, strong arm politics and loving redemption.  That combination spells Chaos!

Do you presently find yourself in a situation that has some form of chaos?  Has it forced you to step out in faith only to realize you are being shaped by a loving Father for a new arena of existence to trust the Holy Spirit to empower, provide, guide and turn your chaos into dancing?  We all have pain, unmet expectations and disappointments from the chaos that crowds into our lives, but is it possible that you are faced with an opportunity to not only step into the supernatural but be a huge part of change to the world in which you live?  

I encourage you today to not only remember that things turn out good in the end, but right now Jesus intends to be glorified in your situation!  Take advantage of the present opportunity!  Worship through the chaos!  Worship connects your heart and mind to be overtaken by His presence, wisdom and the miraculous.  In faith, turn on some music!  Worship the One you are trusting to cause your chaos to become the place of unleashed supernatural astonishment.  It’s a set up for you because you are so deeply loved. 

Can’t wait to hear about your dancing within the ultimate story you have been invited into!

Bless you, Paul

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas is that bright time of the year we slow down and take in the glory of God loving us so completely that He sent His Son to change the course of our pointless lives.  Carol and I have had a year of surprises, opportunities out of no where, miracles beyond explanation, just around the corner was waiting an opportunity to experience the fulfillment of giving, loving and caring for precious leaders.

It has been a year of watching our children flourish, be blessed, impact their world with the Good News of hope, courage and empowerment.  They make us not only proud but cause us to rejoice in the Lord that uses our family in such mighty ways.  Our grandchildren are growing physically, spiritually with a passion to become world changers.  And of course Matthew and Sasha gave us our sixth grandchild.  Evangeline Grace McKinney.  She so beautiful and lovely.  Another note, Brock has spoken for years at Youth Specialties, and this year for the first time on Main Stage.  We always knew he was destined to speak into the lives of Youth Workers all over the World on how to impact this difficult culture with success.  Vangi is cancer free, while her and Jason’s church is growing so rapidly that whole city of Sandy has taken notice.  A year of surprises, wonder, caught off guard, a basket full of Suddenlys.

It makes us think of the shepherds outside Bethlehem caring for their sheep when suddenly an Angel shows up in their ordinary lives and says, “Don’t be afraid, I have good news for you.  Today in Bethlehem a Savor is born.  You’ll find him lying in a manger.”  Many Angels appeared singing, “Glory to God in the highest, and Peace to everyone on earth.”

God is the Master of Suddenly!  Remember in Acts 2 with one hundred and twenty bewildered people feeling they are drowning in wonder, fear and doubt, and Suddenly the Holy Spirit fell upon them.

Put yourself in Moses’ position.  He has been thrown out of a future he thought was secure, and dumped into a desert forced into survival.  Imagine the mind games that plagued him!  Where is your God now?  I thought there was a king inside of you!  All of these years have been wasted and now you are left out in this desert to waste away with sheep.  When Suddenly God showed up in a bush.  Take off your shoes, you are standing on holy ground!  Have you thought why the ground was holy?  It was because God was there!

God is the Master of Suddenly, when all of a sudden your life takes a turn.  Suddenly one phone call.  Out of no where a meeting.  Unexpected job advancement.  One person, one time, one day and your life changes.

God has you on the verge of something great.  Your present situation is a set up!  It’s time to take the next step into your future and destiny.  Whether educated or not, sometime we find ourselves in a place where you never quite fit in.  But this is part of God’s plan.  He never intended for you to fit in.  It was investment to give you the frame of reference needed for the promised land.  If you fit in, you would have built a house and become stuck.

The Bible says, “the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord!”  Take another step.  God’s bringing you a Suddenly!  God is not finished with you, take another step!  There’s nothing you have been through that will be wasted!

I pray for this Christmas to slow you down long enough to realize you are standing on Holy Ground. God is with you to lead you forward, bless and prosper you, and cause your life to become a light for others to follow.