I hate getting caught up in the emotions of not being sure what to say to anyone who is wrestling with abuse and hurt while asking the question, “How could a loving God cause or allow rape, violence and evil?” In dealing with these kind of questions, I face the problem that I’m not a theologian, but a true follower of Jesus. In spite of that the wrestling continues.
I do know that when Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God’s simple instructions; that choice made it where we are all born into a fallen world. Not just fallen but completely fallen where we are all unable to fix it or run to a God waiting in a deistic far away throne. Jesus said, "no one can come to Me unless Father draws them to Me!"
With this in mind, it's great to know that God didn’t just send His Son halfway to build a halfway house, requiring me to come other half. But because He is Rich in Grace and Mercy, He sent His Son all the way becoming completely human. And in the process became homeless with no place to lay His head. It wasn't until the Day of Pentecost, that He came home to all those who believed!
It's very important we don't forget that in this fallen world, there are two kingdoms at war against each other. In the process, we get to choose which kingdom we will join with in battle. When evil occurs, it’s not the Kingdom of God causing it. It’s the Kingdom of this World along with imperfect people. God’s sovereignty doesn’t prevent us from living in an evil fallen world by taking us to a place where we pretend it doesn’t exist. But He rescues, restores, transforms and redeems things that have been stolen or lost. We become testimonies of Grace and Mercy invading and engaging our many mistakes, choices and acts of evil with the Holy Spirit in love and power.
Because of His great love for us, we experience deliverance and healing empowering us with brand new descriptions of Christ in us filling us with hope and glory! With this power we have the honor and privilege to bring hope and glory to others caught in the same traps we have been set free from. Praise be to Jesus who suffered homelessness and ended up within us!
May this difficult conversation continue!