I Don’t
remember our first youth pastorate position, in Kansas City in1979. An official from that denomination we were a
part of, came to teach us the ethics of being a pastor. The main point was, Never Admit you don’t
know the answer or show weakness! If someone
asks a question that you don’t know the answer, affirm them that their question
is a great one, then instruct them to research until we meet again next week. In the mean time this gives you the time to
find the answer. This was a tough one
for me to swallow because I felt dishonesty and taking a position of
superiority was wrong.
my first pastoral position, there was a ton I did not know. So my insecurity of not knowing much along
with the pressure to pretend exhausted me.
always been driven to learn more and discover answers, and am constantly pushed
to stretch and grow to be more capable of serving people. But more importantly, within this scary space
of honesty and choosing to pretend, lies the chance of missing a divine moment. In this terrorizing moment, I now believe
it’s a set up for the miraculous.
my life I’ve always wondered if I could find a Scripture that gives me guidance
and direction to hear the whisper, feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit? Is there a Scripture telling me what to do to
cover my blind spots and experience something glorious?
gained great insights from Romans 8 on this subject. Paul says that we know that all of creation
is frustrated by its’ bondage and decay, and groans for the sons of God to
discover their redemptive and restorative calling to be agents of freedom, wholeness
and change.
Paul says, and we know that all things work together for the good to those who
love Him and are called to His purposes.
wedged in between all of this knowing, Paul says, but I don’t know how to
pray! Then he goes on to say, but the Holy
Spirit knows the prayers of the Father and anxiously waits to pray them for us
and through us! Reading this I am trying
to put myself in Paul’s shoes and grasp how this new found truth must be
bouncing around the edges of his mind?
you see this in between spot of Not Knowing Something, and Admitting It? Paul
discovered the potential of stepping into this insecure place that would become
the very spot of God’s Glory, just from honestly admitting you Don’t Know!
a desperate, low moment becoming a magic moment from simply and openly stepping
into this in-between place! Paul knows much
about his past, present and future; but in this very honest, vulnerable place,
he refuses to pretend and admits, I Don’t Know!
never allowing yourself to go to this in-between place with no frame of
reference of the Glory of God sweeping you off of your feet, taking your breath
away, where the miraculous encounters that embarrassing place of
insecurity. It has to be from experience
that Paul says, “In my weakness He is made strong!”
Paul doesn’t know how to pray, verbalizes his dilemma, pauses, takes the leap,
and here comes the Holy Spirit with a prayer purely from Father.
me of the time Brennan Manning put his hands softly on each side of Carol’s
face, during a hurtful stuck place in her life.
As he looked into her eyes he said, “The Father is so very fond of You!” These wondrous, surprising words became the
marker that propelled her forward in her journey of healing, wholeness and hope.
do you think keeps you from going to that place of, I Don’t Know?
you ever had trouble hearing God’s voice in seeking direction or making a major
let self ever keep you from admitting, I Don’t Know!