Having just finished Easter week, I’m intrigued with the story of the ladies going to the tomb and finding Jesus is gone. Two Angels sitting on a rock asking them the question, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? Don’t you remember that He said He would rise on the third day?”
These women who followed Jesus had watched the compassion and miracles He preformed on a daily basis. They heard His teachings of this New Kingdom that would be ushered in. Overwhelmed with grief of what life suddenly became, they went back to the tomb for comfort, but He wasn’t there! They forgot what He had said!
Jesus tried to prepare them well for this place that would come, when He would rise from the dead providing a pathway to enter this new place for the Holy Spirit to be in them, but they forgot.
In agony, many times we go back to the place where our lives were transformed by Jesus, but like these women, we go back only to find an empty tomb.
This story makes me think how easy it is in our life’s journey to go back where we experienced Jesus. How it changed the way we live life making that place familiar. But in all honesty, as I look back with emotion to those precious markers where I built a monument; the return was never the same. That place at first was so alive, but ended up dead. Seems to be the story of religion always going back to where they left Him. That place leaves a person with staggering emotions and overwhelming disappointment.
If you are in a stuck place that is dead, it’s important you hear Jesus say, “Hey, I’m over here!” Why? Easter is about moving forward out of the past into a New Day of awakening, and being made fully alive in the Holy Spirit where divine moments express this New Kingdom has come on earth as it is in heaven.
I pray that your steps go forward with energy, direction, sensitivity and victory.