There are so many stories in the Bible that reveal the weaknesses of humans. But there are also inspiring stories that teach us steps we can learn to make better decisions when dropped in the middle of a belittling situation.
One of those stories is when David’s father sends him with lunch to his older brothers. Anticipating a great reception, he collides with their disgust. 1 Sam. 17 tells us, “Eliab's anger was kindled against David, and he said, Why did you come? and who did you leave those few sheep with? I know your pride, and the naughtiness of your heart; for you came just to see the might of the battle. And David said, What have I done? Is there not a cause?”
Imagine the energy and excitement of this kid only confronted with; Who Put You in Charge? What are you doing here? David could have reacted by taking up an offense by saying, You ungrateful pathetic piece of crap! But after a reaction like that you feel like a piece of crap yourself. It deepens further when you realize you missed a chance to encourage and rescue the cirisis.
Instead of reacting to the rejection, David follows the cause at hand and volunteers to turn the crisis into an opportunity.
The Real Questions to ask yourself to keep going in the right direction when you hit rock bottom is; What’s my Calling, What’s my Cause or Purpose? What do I Care Most Deeply About inside?
I recently heard a pastor use three words of how to turn a conflict into an opportunity: Eclipse, Enough and Effort. I wondered if David used these words to shift his attitude from being rejected by his brothers to allowing the Cause to change the outcome?
Eclipse means when light from one source is blocked by another. Reminds me of Jesus when He hit rock bottom. He couldn’t get to the next dimension of His life until he killed the giant of the cross. Heb. 12 says, “Jesus despised the shame of the cross but for the Joy set before him, He endured the cross.” The rock bottom of Fear could have blocked His decision. But looking down the road and seeing You and I, His Purpose Eclipsed the cross. Victory for Jesus wasn’t at Calvary, but at Gethsemane. His decision making shifted from saying, “Take this cup from Me” to, “Not My Will but Thy will be done!”
I meet many people who are driven by a cause, but will it block out the temptation to make small decisions by reacting or go big?
Next word is Enough meaning fully capable and equipped to meet the demand. In that place of significance is where decisions are made determined by the fact if you think, I am enough. David tells Saul, “Here’s your armor back! What God has place down inside of me is Enough! I can hear his words right now, I Can Do This! I don’t think he was impressed that much with his stone. He may of thought, Maybe this will knock him down, but somehow God will help me kill him! That’s one of the most critical life altering times we go through. It comes down to knowing that what God has placed within you, establishes the position that you are enough, which changes everything.
The next word is Effort meaning a vigorous and determined attempt to make a cause or idea become a reality. David saw himself as Enough, and believed that God was empowering him to defeat fear and face the giant. When we believe and take that first step of faith, energy is released and you put forth the Effort needed to get the job done.
When shit hits the fan, it’s meant to make you feel like a piece of shit. When David killed the Giant, the King within him took the place of the Kid. If you have a Purpose that Eclipses your Crisis, and an Attitude that Inspires your thinking; then you’ll be energized to overcome and put forth the effort to do anything and everything to create a future filled with hope by the Glory of God.
Dr. Paul Morgan