Saturday, January 12, 2019

Give First!

It’s an adventure to discover if the promise is true; Whatever you lost serving Me, I will give back 100 fold!
In walking out each step of our journey, it’s hard not to get caught up choosing between following your fears or your faith.
If faith, it requires removing some roadblocks.  Coming to a place of forgiving someone might be one of the roadblocks to escape the trap of becoming a victim.  Another could be repenting of any bitterness and asking forgiveness for any misunderstanding you may have caused or insensitive actions hurting someone out of ignorance or malice.  For sure there are many other keys to unlock any opportunity hidden within any one of our crisis.
Choosing to walk out our faith might not always prove to be the quickest resolution especially if there is times of waiting that seem way to long.  But eventually a Word will come from heaven, Be It Done Unto You!
Remembering and accepting the fact that the heart of the king is in the hands of God brings hope.  Have you ever experienced God causing people to bless you that didn’t even like you?  In looking into the rear view mirror, experience tells us that the Lord always remembers us!
I used to think the hardest test of faith was to give up something I don’t have.  But I think the real test is giving up something You have.
Remember Hannah’s prayer, If You give me a Son I will give him back to You.  But later when she returns back home after giving up her son, she realizes she’s right back where she started.  But not really.  A broader perspective has enlarged her understanding.
It’s easy to miss what the story is about.  Hannah’s was about God opening up her womb and entering a new realm of existence in unlocking the secret of giving first.
Samuel wasn’t the blessing but the test!  God says first things first!  First give the then it will be given back to you pressed down and running over.
The hope is that one-day we really learn that our faith is taking us through a test to form a new habit or behavior pattern to always first give back what has been given.  Then the fullness of a miracle comes with overflow!
Truth teaches us that we have nothing that God hasn’t given first.
Imagine entering a contest with God to see who will out give the other?
So keep giving and God will give back to You 100 fold.
