Sunday, September 8, 2019


I Love Russell Wilson’s saying, “Why Not You!”  Is it possible where you live, that You are the one who will be called to be the “Warrior Fighting for Peace” as Erwin McManus suggests!
Just think with me a moment.  How many awkward situations have you found yourself in where being the lover demanded a fight?  Those times when there was that inner fight to forgive.  A fight to repent.  A fight to smile and give a hug.
In this world of division, yelling, accusing, finger pointing and small selfish one sided attitudes I suggest, “Why Not You be the Warrior of Peace!”
Takes a Fighter when slammed in a crisis conflict to think in Godly terms!  An open mind allowing Jesus thoughts to engage your heart and surrender to Listening being empowered to miraculously turn a hateful moment into an opportunity for love and peace?
Always thought of a Fighter as winning which is true.  But a True Fighter is aggressively pursued  by their heart to lay their life down and pay the price for Peace.  
With so many relational failures in all of our lives including mine, it’s time to acknowledge God’s provision and favor.  It’s time to seize moments that are normally destructive by leaning on the Spirit, watching those moments become divine.  
I suggest today with Russell, Why Not You?  You may be asking, Why?  Because it’s very possible that You are truly being called to be as Erwin suggests, The Way of The Warrior!
