Friday, November 17, 2023

I Will Not Allow Chaos Control Me!

 Good Morning My Favorite Gifted People,

Years ago I read the book called, Chaos Can’t.  Here we are right in the midst of Thanksgiving.  How do we respond to the chaos of this year?

Must remember we have the imagination of our Creator Father flowing through us.  Because of His Love, our belief in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes in as a Rushing Wind and Consuming Fire of Freedom, igniting our hearts to dream spacious expansive possibilities!

God’s Presence empowers our creativity to reshape chaos.  As Sons and Daughters we are invited to co-create with Him in this uncomfortable year of chaos.  Why?  Chaos Can’t rob  steal and destroy our future.

That Reality gives this Thanksgiving Purpose and Pleasure.  With a fresh start within us, we become agents to bring relief from chaos.  A Hope for the Future.  A New Beginning.  Turning disorder to order.  Thank You Father for Ruling and Reigning in and through Us as Partners in Crime!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Don't Let Darkness Consume You

 Being alone in the dark can be the most terrifying moment in a child’s life.  I remember lying in bed at age 4, paralyzed by the dark.  I cried out for my father, and he comes running into my room.  There’s only 2 things he can do to calm my emotions: turn on the light or stay the rest of the night with me.

I think children are more perceptive than adults.  As adults we pretend to be ok and ignore the darkness until it consumes us.  If we ignore the darkness, it consumes us and takes us to a place many times of making horrible decisions.  Possibly the darkness is fear, greed, despair, or bitterness.  

David yields to the darkness of battle fatigued and sends his soldiers off to battle without him.  Then he finds himself all alone, consumed by the darkness of lust, and then faces the consequences of the worst decision of his life.

One of the great lies is that darkness tells us that we are alone.  Convinces us that there is no one else who has ever been there.  

Jesus was not exempt from loneliness, experiencing the dark night of His soul. We can draw from His example.  Not wanting to be alone in the Garden, He asks 3 of His best friends to be with Him and pray.  In breathtaking vulnerability, He says, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.  Stay here and keep watch with me.”

Ever wonder what could happen to cause you to lose your light?  It’s not usually because of failure.  Could it be the deep wounds of betrayal, rejection or unexpected abandonment?  

Darkness finds a way to steal our light.  Life is not meant to be lived alone.  Refuse to run from people you need in your life.  Guard you Heart and respond to hate with love, betrayal with forgiveness, despair with hope, and darkness with light. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Don't Miss Divine Moments

 Over the years I’ve loved the adventures of the unknown.  To Miss the possibility of an ordinary moment becoming a divine moment haunts me.

I hear people say all the time, “I wish I had done that!  If I could have only chosen differently.”

Years ago I taught my youth group, “Anytime You Neglect the Present Moment, You get Passed By, and then Drown in Personal Regret!”

So today let’s Refuse To Stay Behind!  Never Opt Out of an Opportunity!  Why?  You are Moving toward Your Dreams, Your Purpose, and Your Passions!

Decide today: I will Not Allow Myself to be Paralyzed in the moment of indecision!

Know What You Are About!  Know What Your Life Is Given To!  Know What Matters To You And Move Forward!

Bless You Today With The Power Of Our Loving God!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Great Awakening

As I read this by Philip Yancey I thought; this is so many of our stories.  I discovered early in my adult life that the God I was taught, didn't exist.  But meeting Father God through Jesus not only changed my life, but called me to chase Him every day knowing I'm not loved because of my behavior, but because of His affection toward me.  Paul

What do you think?

 In churches of my youth, we sang about God’s grace and yet I seldom felt it.  I saw God as a stern taskmaster, eager to condemn and punish.  I have come to know instead a God of love and beauty who longs for our wholeness.  I assumed that surrender to God would involve a kind of shrinking - avoiding temptation, grimly focusing on the “spiritual” things while I prepared for the afterlife.  On the contrary, God’s good world presented itself as a gift to enjoy with grace- healed eyes.

Philip Yancey