Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Any Hope for Today?

 Good Morning,

Lee Camp in his book on Christianity and Politics said: “The faith of the Christian is the last great hope of earth.”

That claim may raise the eyebrows of people who think that ‘progress’, economic growth, nuclear power, nuclear disarmament, population reduction, social justice, socialism, diplomacy, open borders, religious revival, religious decline or technology will be the saviour for humanity’s problems.  Yet we believe with prophetic fervour and patient endurance that God alone is the world’s Redeemer and thus redemption comes to us in Jesus and by renewal in the Holy Spirit.  This doesn’t mean we abandon the world, or leave everything to God.  No, this calls us to action because if there’s to be a day when ‘God May be all in all’, then our energies are quickened, not stifled, so that the emerging task is to get busy in the business of the kingdom: ‘always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.’

NT Wright

We all face huge difficulties whether that be at home, work or the state we live in.  As I go out each day to bring Hope, Restoration, Peace and Healing; I have a prayer I pray trusting the Holy Spirit to empower me: “Father, catch me up, what’s in your heart today, tell me again who I am, help me see what’s behind the chaos, in Jesus’ Name.”

Love You!

Saturday, March 2, 2024


 I remember years ago watching the movie, The Count of Monte Cristo. Dante`s is betrayed by his best friend and unjustly placed in prison.  He falls into an unlikely friendship with a priest, Abbe` Faria.  Dante`s is drawn to the priest but turned off by his faith in Jesus.  My favorite scene is in Faria’s dying breath, Dante`s says, “I Don’t believe in God!”  Then the priest replies, “It doesn’t matter.  He believes in You!”

Reminds me of Brennan Manning saying to Carol, “Father is very fond of You!  His gaze is always upon You!”

John Mark says, “Jesus believes in You!”  He believes you can come under the loving hand of the Father.  Loving and joyful and full of peace, patience, and kindness.  You can grow into a person of happiness, even in times of suffering.  The kind of person who is not afraid of suffering or even death, who is free of the emotional need for things to go your way.  You can fulfill your purpose.  You can learn to do many of the incredible things Jesus did.  To see signs of His kingdom manifest in your ordinary life.

May Jesus shine brightly through You today!