I remember sitting in the shower room when my coach in his pep talk ended with, “Give ‘Em Hell!” We ran out pumped up ready to defeat the enemy!
At 25, I was called to reach young people across America to help them discover freedom and eternal life through becoming a follower of Jesus.
At that time I realized I better get to know the One who called me through His Word. I quickly learned that I was given a gift called Faith. When I used it to believe in Jesus, I stepped into a whole new dimension of existence. My present was altered by the Spirit of Jesus coming in with power and understanding to create a new reality. I was no longer alone, dirty and sinful. Instead, I was loved, forgiven and made a container to bring the message of hope.
We all have the possibility to tap the source who created us by faith, to not only bring good out of present struggles, but to be captured by His Story of creating new life and living forever.
So transformation begins today and will intensify even greater when Jesus physically joins us to restore and recreate all things lost and destroyed.
I had an old man shout at me one time as I was running out on stage, “Paul, Give them Heaven!”
I understood!
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