Sunday, February 19, 2023

Great Awakening

As I read this by Philip Yancey I thought; this is so many of our stories.  I discovered early in my adult life that the God I was taught, didn't exist.  But meeting Father God through Jesus not only changed my life, but called me to chase Him every day knowing I'm not loved because of my behavior, but because of His affection toward me.  Paul

What do you think?

 In churches of my youth, we sang about God’s grace and yet I seldom felt it.  I saw God as a stern taskmaster, eager to condemn and punish.  I have come to know instead a God of love and beauty who longs for our wholeness.  I assumed that surrender to God would involve a kind of shrinking - avoiding temptation, grimly focusing on the “spiritual” things while I prepared for the afterlife.  On the contrary, God’s good world presented itself as a gift to enjoy with grace- healed eyes.

Philip Yancey