Minister Coaching Program Information

The Minister Coaching Program is a whole-life yearlong coaching program for pastors. Deeply rooted in the idea that a healthy, growing, learning minister will stay longer and have a deeper impact for the Kingdom, MCP constantly returns participants to the formation and expansion of personal and ministry core values.
The approach used in this program allows for 360-degrees of input. The lead coach acts as facilitator and guide on this journey; but the other pastors in the group will become friends and co-conspirators, as you will be for each of them. We’ll wrestle with a wide variety of ministry subjects, but will also process spiritual, relational, and emotional growth, in a context of safety, honesty, and real life application and accountability.  Participants have said that the presentations made by themselves and others were one of the most valuable aspects of the program, allowing them the opportunity to dig deep into a subject or practical matter of their choosing, but also modeling a process of speaking into other peoples’ lives.
Each pastor group of 8 – 10 meets six times throughout the year (every other month). In between meetings, members stay in contact with a closed facebook group, homework partners, and one-on-one phone calls with Paul. During each two day meeting, each participant also receives a one-on-one coaching session and a 50-minute spiritual direction session.  The cost is $3000 for the year.  Please email for an application.