Thursday, March 26, 2020

Where's God in My Struggle?

Where’s the last place you experienced Jesus? 

Carol and I are watching The Chosen, which is a series of the life of Jesus.  Last night we watched episode 7 where the Woman who has experienced one tragedy and disappointment after another comes to the well to get water.  To her surprise, Jesus is waiting to not only bring healing and help, but the hope of eternal life in Him.

Complicated and difficult situations can bring such stress and anxiety, which has the potential of stealing our sanity.  It’s possible that we know Faith can reconnect us to the power of change, but the present pain is usually so great we reach for some immediate escape.  

I’m captured by the words of the Angel at the tomb after Jesus’ resurrection.  The obvious loss of their normal drives these women back to the place where they left Jesus!  The Angel asks, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”  I wonder how many times difficulty forces us to run back to the place where we left Jesus?

The truth tells us, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God,” but can seem so distant, slow and not relevant in a crisis.  If you’re like me, you get up early from a restless night of trying to sleep, and spend time in Scripture.  The Holy Spirit in those times always faithfully delivers direction, stability and revelation.  Have you noticed that this place becomes a waiting room?  The cool thing is God turns it into a preparation room.  Faith prepares us to keep on asking, seeking and knocking.  In it we discover for ourselves what the Angel spoke to the women at the tomb, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?  He’s not here!”

God is taking you to a New Place!

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