Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Social Dilemma

 OK, whose seen, The Social Dilemma on Netflix?  This is only on Netflix. 

 I encourage everyone who cares at all about the current realities we face as faith driven, thoughtful committed people, to make every effort to watch this. 

I am deeply troubled after watching this with Carol, especially as a minister, but also as a human, by what we're seeing happening in the world today. 

Please take a look at this - watch it all the way thru - please.

I remember when the fight was about Absolute Truth.  Now Truth seems to be dependent upon geographic location along with their particular frame of reference. 

1 comment:

  1. I haven’t watched it, but I will. Scripture depicts a great delusion that will impact many. What I see is a tremendous lack of guidance from spiritual leaders in how to avoid deception and delusion. I think I know how, but knowing what to do and doing it are not the same.

    It would be great to see some approach this topic from the perspective of scripture rather than the perspective of political posture.
